Saturday  night ... my family watching TV .. me at my studio corner at home .. and then  suddenly .. SHEEEEERRRRKKKK!!.. screeching sounds coming from the TV ROOM ..  I open the  door and sea  bird flying around in  circles and my family  head down running for cover in to the bed room .. .. BIRD ???... oh man its not bird ..its  BAT !!! .. a winged rodent... my 1st reaction  was to  open the windows and let it out ... then .. no  BAT WING  SOUP ... Hmmmmm..  no no  no  I am just joking ..  Hey its not everyday  you get to observe  a bat this close ...SO I caught it ..caged it for a while to observe it and later handed it over to Mark and he set it free ...

Now I know  why  they are related to the FOX .. look at em set of cutters  oh  boy .. small but sharp !!!

This is how it liked to be ...always  upside down and asleep .. once in  while it would wake up and realize its in a cage and would go  walking about .. Sure glad was when we set it  free......I fed it grapes which  it seemed to like a lot ... I  take it was a fruit bat and  baby one ..I could be wrong .. but was a good chance to see this amazing creature up close ...

Here is video of the guy ....


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